Gyaanoday Charitable Society
Education is the key to Liberation

We believe that each child is wholly unique
The vital Importance of Education in any society is well known. This is one essential step In empowering the people and achieving all-round development and progress.
Our sages termed “ Vidya Daan” as an act of great virtue and goodness.
It is a pity that a good number of children in India cannot receive proper education for various reasons. The most important of these reasons is financial difficulty, despite the governmental efforts.
Gyanoday Charitable Society (GCS) has been established to facilitate the primary education of such children who are keen to educate themselves but lack the financial resources to pursue it. GCS originates from the abiding faith in the education of the Late Lala Gopi Chand Jain (Bhabu) of Ambala City. ‘Gyanoday’ appropriately commemorates the name of his son, the Late St. Gyan Das Jain, who, true to his name, was dedicated to learning & education. He was a Jurist and had a deep knowledge of Jain Philosophy.